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Identity, Belonging, Purpose

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Week Seven Day One

Week Seven Verse to Remember: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.  I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”  John 10:10 Scripture.  Choose the passage.  (If using the Jesus Bible, page number given.  Or use or Biblehub app). Observation.  What does the passage say?  What is difficult tounderstand?  What does it say to me? Application.  How do I apply these verses?  Is there somethingto give God thanks for?  Is there is a sin to avoid? Prayer.  Simply...

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Week Seven Day One

Week Seven Verse to Remember: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.  I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”  John 10:10 Scripture.  Choose the passage.  (If using the Jesus Bible, page number given.  Or use or Biblehubapp). Observation.  What does the passage say?  What is difficult tounderstand?  What does it say to me? Application.  How do I apply these verses?  Is there somethingto give God thanks for?  Is there is a sin to avoid? Prayer.  Simply...

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Week Six Day Four

Day Four Scripture: John 10:1-11. J.B. page 1625. Observation.  Jesus is with the same people that were around when He healed the blind beggar.  And the beggar had chosen to follow Jesus.  That is the backdrop to this passage. In Jesus’ day, sheep were kept in a walled pen.  There was ONE way in and one way out.  A gatekeeper protected the entrance/exit.  Only the shepherd could come in through the passage way.  The sheep were not smart, but they knew the shepherd’s voice.  They followed him. ...

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Week Six Day Three

Day Three Scripture: John 9:35-41.  J.B. page 1625. Observation.  The religious people cast out the blind beggar that Jesus healed. They rejected his story. When Jesus found the man, He asked him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man (a title referring to God’s Son)?    The man asked, “Who is he that I may believe in Him?”  Jesus says, “He is speaking to you.”  The man said, “Lord, I believe.”  And then he worshipped Jesus.  I think I would say the same thing! Jesus explains those who do not know...

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Week Six Day Two

Day Two Scripture: John 9:13-34.  J.B. page 1624. Observation.  We continue the story of the blind man who was healed by Jesus. Jesus had healed the man on the Sabbath, which is Saturday, the 7th day of the week.  It was illegal to work on the Sabbath Day.  It was based on God’s command to rest on the seventh day of the week because God rested on the seventh day of creation.  Since Jesus made mud, he had technically worked.  The Jews believed Jesus could not be from God if he had broken the Sabbath. ...

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Week Six Day One

Day One Scripture: John 9:1-12.  Jesus Bible pg. 1624. When you have an opportunity, in your Jesus Bible, read the left-hand column entitled “NOW I SEE.”  It gives great insight to God’s Work in our lives. Observation: Imagine being born blind.  You cannot see anything.  You do not know what I tree or a sunset or even your mom looks like.  You can only feel and trust the descriptions of those who bother to describe it to you.  In ancient times, you are helpless and cast off.  No one sees you. ...

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Week Five Day Four

Day Four Scripture: John 8:34-38. J.B. page 1622. Observation.  Everyone who practices sin is a _____________ to sin. Who remains forever?______________. Slaves have no permanent rights; however, sons do.  “So if the son sets you free, you are free indeed.”  God will change you from the inside out and free you from that sin that weighs you down. Application.  In 1979, shortly after Bob Dylan became a Christian, he wrote a song called, “Gotta Serve Somebody.”  His lyrics talk about how no matter...

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Week Five Day Three

Day Three Scripture: John 8:31-32.  J.B. page 1622. Observation.  Jesus talks to the new believers (from verse 30) for a moment.  He tells them to get into the Word which means, read, study, and follow His teachings in the Bible.  That is called becoming a follower, a disciple. “And then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” The truth here is Jesus.  Later in the gospel of John, Jesus is before Pilate, a Roman governor in Judea, asks Jesus, “What is truth?” (John 18:38).  But...

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Week Five Day Two

Day Two Scripture: John 8:21-30.  J.B. page 1622. Observation.  Jesus and the Pharisees, the religious leaders who do not think Jesus is God, continue their discussion.  As Jesus speaks, I think He is being a little difficult to understand for the Pharisees because of their unbelief.  So you may need to read this a couple of times. Jesus tells them He is going away.  He is about to die on the cross and come back to life then after 50 days He will ascend to heaven and sit at God, the Father’s...

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Week Five Day One

Day One Scripture: John 8:12-21.  Jesus Bible pg. 1622. AS WE SPEND TIME WITH GOD THIS WEEK, WE WANT TO CAMP OUT ON THIS THOUGHT, “THE GOAL OF THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS (THE GOSPEL) IS TO BECOME A PEOPLE CONSUMED WITH A PASSION FOR GOD AND LOVE FOR OTHERS.’  J.D. GREEAR, GOSPEL.   PAGE. 10 Observation: Have you ever been looking for something that ended up being right in front of you?  I have looked for my sunglasses tons of times when they were on my head!  When I find them, I feel sorta goofy. This...

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