Week Five Day Two
Day Two
Scripture: John 8:21-30. J.B. page 1622.
Observation. Jesus and the Pharisees, the religious leaders who do not think Jesus is God, continue their discussion. As Jesus speaks, I think He is being a little difficult to understand for the Pharisees because of their unbelief. So you may need to read this a couple of times.
Jesus tells them He is going away. He is about to die on the cross and come back to life then after 50 days He will ascend to heaven and sit at God, the Father’s right side. We know this because we can look back and see His story play out. The Pharisees at the time did not understand.
But Jesus calls them out and tells them they will die in their sin. Why? Because of their unbelief. The Pharisees and some others would not ever believe the Jesus was who He claimed to be. And they died without knowing Jesus. Without eternal life. But notice in verse 30, some believed.
Application: “Jesus made two stupendous claims: not only was He sent by the Father, but the Father was with Him because He always did what pleased the Father. No doubt, His enemies reacted violently to these words: but some of the listeners put their faith in Him” (Weirsbe, page 321).
As you stand up for Jesus, some will make fun of you. Some will doubt Jesus. Some will make it their aim to make you look foolish. And some will put their faith in Jesus!
As God would tell Joshua (Joshua 1:9, The Message Bible) “Strength! Courage!” Choose courage. Choose to follow Jesus anyway. He is completely worth it.
Prayer. God, thank you for being good. Help me today to choose strength and courage and follow You no matter what today.