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Identity, Belonging, Purpose

The Story of God – Week Five Day One

Week Five – The Story of God

Verse to Remember: “I am the way, and the truth, the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.”  John 14:6.

Scripture.  Choose the passage.  (If using the Jesus Bible, page number given.  Or use or Biblehub app).

Observation.  What does the passage say?  What is difficult tounderstand?  What does it say to me?

Application.  How do I apply these verses?  Is there somethingto give God thanks for?  Is there is a sin to avoid?

Prayer.  Simply end your time with God talking with Him.


Day One

Scripture: John 14:1-11.  Jesus Bible pg. 1632.

Observation: Several years ago, I was with a group of students climbing Wheeler Peak.  It is the highest point in New Mexico.  We were hiking the first week of June, which meant there was still tons of snow on the ground.  We parked and began our ascent.  The first thing we saw was a deer carcass that had been killed by a large wild animal.  That should have been our warning to turn around.  We didn’t.  We forged ahead.

            It was a two-day climb.  On the second day, not everyone chose to continue.  A small group climbed on while a group stayed at the camp site.  As we climbed, the snow kept getting deeper and deeper and covered much of the trail.  But we could see the peak so we knew where to go.  We finally made it as close to the peak as possible for us, but a storm was rolling in.  We knew we had to hurry back to the camp site or risk getting caught in the thunderstorm.

            On the way down, we had no point or peak to guide us.  And the snow had covered much of the trail.  We were unsure of the path to take, but we were racing the storm.  We prayed like crazy.  And by God’s grace, we found the camp site.

            If you have not already, read the Scripture passage.

Application:  Jesus is foretelling his disciples that He will be leaving and going ahead of them to prepare a place.  They did not fully understand; but Jesus was telling of His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven.  He was going to prepare a place for them to follow.

            Thomas asked a simple question, “Lord we do not know where you are going, How can we know the way?”

            Jesus responded, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”  Jesus did not point to a destination.  He pointed to Himself.  He is the path.  He is the destination.  He is the way to Father God and there is no other way.  Jesus is The Way.

Prayer.  God, thank you for Jesus.  He is the only way to You.  Help me to trust Him.