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Identity, Belonging, Purpose

Category: Deepen Devotionals

Week 1 Day 2 Time with God

Scripture: John 1:19-34.  J.B. page 1610. Observation.  Think about what the verse says.  What instruction does it give?   If you have a journal or notebook, write down some thoughts. John the Baptist came to reveal Jesus to the crowds.  His job was to be the Thunder in the Street!  That is a cool nickname.  I think that is bold to be described that way.  And John is accomplishing his job of pointing everyone to Jesus.  See how he introduces Jesus in verse 30.  “Look, the lamb of God who takes...

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Hey Guys, We started an important journey Sunday night.  I want to invite you to jump all in to getting to know God.  SOAP is just a tool, simplified to help you spend time with God reading your Bible and talking to Him in prayer.  Here is the acronym again. Scripture.  Choose the passage.  Have a plan, don’t make it a random passage in the Bible. Observation.  What does the passage say?  What is difficult to understand?  What does it say to me? Application.  How do I apply these verses?  Is there...

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Whatever It Takes

UPSIDE DOWN Whatever It Takes It happened July 2, 2015, Rebecca Townsend gave her life to save a friend.  After watching fireworks on July 2, Rebecca, from Brookfield, Connecticut was crossing the street with her friend Ben. when she pushed him out of the way from an approaching car, costing the 17 year old her life. What am I willing to do to save my friends?  Pray:  God, show me the importance of the love and message I have to share.   Grab your Bible:  Luke 5:17-26   One day while Jesus...

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The Chase

UPSIDE DOWN The Chase   So this Bible is a huge book and there is so much in it.  Holy cow, how can I wrap my head around it all?   Here is a simple place to start:  God is chasing after your heart.  That’s it.  Following Jesus is all about relationship.  And what is the center or a relationship. Your Heart!  If your heart belongs completely to Him, you are right where He wants you to be.   God is chasing after my heart!  Pray:  God, what am I withholding in my heart from You? Grab...

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The Big Trade-Off

UPSIDE DOWN The Big Trade-Off   As a kid in elementary school we would always trade stuff in our lunches.  You were always hoping to score big by landing a Star-Crunch or Ding Dong.  But it rarely happened, unless someone had a crush on you.   Nowadays, we would all be willing to trade some things.  You wish you could trade Mondays for an extra Saturday.  You would trade a peanut butter sandwich for a fajita.  You wish you could trade your tennis shoes for a new pair.  You get it.     You...

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Friends For Life . Week 2 Day 3

FRIENDS FOR LIFE Week 2 Day 3 Hurricane Michael was fierce last week.  While we are grateful that it did make landfall in Jacksonville, we are grieved to see the devastation it cause just a few hours from here.  Most all of Mexico Beach, Florida was wiped out.  But there was an interesting story of one beach home that was hardly damaged.  Did you see it? This house was built to withstand the storms.  It has concrete pillars that go 28 feet into the ground.  It is fastened with steel and its windows...

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REBEL Week 1 Day 1

Rebel Week 1 Day 1   Hey Guys,   Welcome to our first online devotional!  Following Jesus is all about a relationship.  You know those that you love hanging out with, you spend time with as much as possible!  So this is what a devotional or quiet time is all about…you meeting up with God.  As you do, you will learn to talk to Him and listen to Him.   So I challenge you to set aside a few minutes to read your Bible and meet up with God.  Grab your Bible and open to the book of Mark...

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Simple Prayer “Good morning, God.  Thank you for creating me, loving me and forgiving me.  Help me to love you more and more and more.”   Spend some time in God’s Word, the Bible. If you were at Passion Camp, hopefully you remember what Louie taught.  You are PURPOSED.   Read Colossians 1:9-13.  Read it one more time.  Even though you do not have to work to earn God’s love and gift of life.  He does rescue you so that you can do great things.  He wants you to be fruitful in everything...

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Simple Prayer “Good morning, God.  I love you.  Thank you for being so awesome.  There is no one like you, and it is not even close.”   Spend some time in God’s Word, the Bible.  God has created you and he loves you like crazy.  But we know that we have sinned. We have messed up.  Right?  I know I have messed up in some big ways.   Imagine a crime is committed against you or someone close to you.  You go to court and the accused is found guilty, but then the judge says, “Oh well, you...

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The Reason

Simple Prayer “Good morning, God.  Help me to love you more today.  As I read my Bible this morning, help me understand because it is big and I am just trying to get started.  Please make it clear to me.  I love you.”   Spend some time in God’s Word, the Bible. In the Netflix Series, “13 Reasons Why,” it gives reasons why someone might lose all hope.  I am not recommending anyone watch it.  But the label we see today is THE REASON WHY NOT!   Read John 3:16-17.  This is the big book of...

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