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Identity, Belonging, Purpose

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Week Eight Day Four

Day Four Scripture: John 13:1-17.  J.B. page 1631. CAN”T WAIT TO SEE YOU SUNDAY AT THE POST!!! Observation.  This takes place the night before Jesus lays down His life for us.  He is meeting with His disciples eating what is called the Passover meal.  There is so much that takes place during this time.  Jesus knows that He will soon be arrested, tried, and crucified on the cross.  These are His last moments with His disciples, His friends. One of his last actions is to humble Himself and...

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Week Eight Day Three

Day Three Scripture: John 12:1-8.  J.B. page 1629. Observation.  I have told you before that I was in a youth choir growing up.  We sang all kinds of church songs.  They often said there is alto, soprano, tenor, bass and Forrest.  That meant I could not sing – AT ALL!!!  But I loved to worship. But worship is MORE THAN singing.  After Lazarus was raised from the dead, Jesus was reclining in a house and Mary took expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus’ feet.  She wiped His feet with her hair. ...

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Week Eight Day Two

Day Two Scripture: John 11:33-44.  J.B. page 1627. Take some time this week to read the shaded area on page 1628.  It offers insight to Jesus raising Lazarus from the grave.  It is really cool! Observation.  Jesus sees Mary.  Mary is broken-hearted and weeping.  Like her sister, Martha, she tells Jesus that Lazarus would not have died if He had been there.  Jesus sees Mary crying and the others and it moves His heart and He cries too. They go to the tomb, a cave, and Jesus asks them to take the...

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Week Eight Day One

Week Eight Verse to Remember: “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life.  Whoever believes in me though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.  Do you believe this?”  John 11:25-26 Scripture.  Choose the passage.  (If using the Jesus Bible, page number given.  Or use or Biblehub app). Observation.  What does the passage say?  What is difficult tounderstand?  What does it say to me? Application.  How do I apply these...

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Week Seven Day Four

Day Four Scripture: John 11:1-4. J.B. page 1626. Observation.  Think of some famous people.  What made them famous?  Their name?  Their wealth?  Their skill on the football field?  Their intelligence? Lazarus is sick.  And Mary and Martha are concerned.  Obviously, it is serious.  They send a message to Jesus.  But Jesus does not rush to the town they are in.  He stays back for a couple of days.  No rush.  No urgency.  It had to be frustrating for Mary and Martha.  Extremely!  They were watching...

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Week Seven Day Four

Day Four Scripture: John 11:1-4. J.B. page 1626. Observation.  Think of some famous people.  What made them famous?  Their name?  Their wealth?  Their skill on the football field?  Their intelligence? Lazarus is sick.  And Mary and Martha are concerned.  Obviously, it is serious.  They send a message to Jesus.  But Jesus does not rush to the town they are in.  He stays back for a couple of days.  No rush.  No urgency.  It had to be frustrating for Mary and Martha.  Extremely!  They were watching...

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Week Seven Day Three

Day Three Scripture: John 10:22-30.  J.B. page 1626. Observation.  The other day when I went into Publix I ran into Clark Kent, you know Superman.  He had a big S on his chest, a red cape and he was flying around the store from aisle to aisle buying Oreos and Dr. Pepper.  I have video evidence of him stopping a bus before it crashed into the store.  Pretty cool, right? Yeah right!  What a joke!  But if you or I had actually seen that, we might really believe it. Jesus, when He showed up on earth,...

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Week Seven Day Three

Day Three Scripture: John 10:22-30.  J.B. page 1626. Observation.  The other day when I went into Publix I ran into Clark Kent, you know Superman.  He had a big S on his chest, a red cape and he was flying around the store from aisle to aisle buying Oreos and Dr. Pepper.  I have video evidence of him stopping a bus before it crashed into the store.  Pretty cool, right? Yeah right!  What a joke!  But if you or I had actually seen that, we might really believe it. Jesus, when He showed up on earth,...

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Week Seven Day Two

Day Two Scripture: John 10:11-21.  J.B. page 1625. Observation.  The Bible often compares people to sheep.  If you are a believer in Jesus, if you put your trust in Jesus as Lord, you are His sheep, his child. Sheep are not smart.  But they are clean, gentle, peaceful, defenseless, and “prone to wander.”  The good shepherd, Jesus, knows His sheep.  He knows their needs.  He knows where they are.  He knows their personalities.  He knows their natures.  He cares for the sheep. Application:  As...

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Week Seven Day Two

Day Two Scripture: John 10:11-21.  J.B. page 1625. Observation.  The Bible often compares people to sheep.  If you are a believer in Jesus, if you put your trust in Jesus as Lord, you are His sheep, his child. Sheep are not smart.  But they are clean, gentle, peaceful, defenseless, and “prone to wander.”  The good shepherd, Jesus, knows His sheep.  He knows their needs.  He knows where they are.  He knows their personalities.  He knows their natures.  He cares for the sheep.  He is good. Application: ...

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