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Identity, Belonging, Purpose

Week Eight Day Two

Day Two

Scripture: John 11:33-44.  J.B. page 1627.

Take some time this week to read the shaded area on page 1628.  It offers insight to Jesus raising Lazarus from the grave.  It is really cool!

Observation.  Jesus sees Mary.  Mary is broken-hearted and weeping.  Like her sister, Martha, she tells Jesus that Lazarus would not have died if He had been there.  Jesus sees Mary crying and the others and it moves His heart and He cries too.

They go to the tomb, a cave, and Jesus asks them to take the stone away from the entrance to the tomb.  He reminded them that if they believed in Him they would see God’s glory.  Jesus then calls Lazarus to come out of the tomb.  And Lazarus comes up.  Jesus tells the crowd to unbind his hands, feet, and face.

Application:  Can you even imagine being at the site of the tomb?  Perhaps Lazarus is your friend.  He has been dead 4 days.  He was stinky.  You had been crying your eyes out.  And then Jesus shows up and now your friend is walking out of the tomb! What a huge swing of emotions!

What do you do with what you have just witnessed?  You run and tell everyone you can find what Jesus has done.

A short time after Lazarus was raised back to life, Jesus died in your place and mine.  He rose the third day.  He has freed you and me to have life in Him.  Remember, last week, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10).

Prayer.  Jesus, You raised Lazarus for God’s glory.  And you lived and died for God’s glory.  You died so I could live. I want to live for Your glory.  I want to live a life that points to You, that brings You fame.