Week Eight Day Three
Day Three
Scripture: John 12:1-8. J.B. page 1629.
Observation. I have told you before that I was in a youth choir growing up. We sang all kinds of church songs. They often said there is alto, soprano, tenor, bass and Forrest. That meant I could not sing – AT ALL!!! But I loved to worship.
But worship is MORE THAN singing. After Lazarus was raised from the dead, Jesus was reclining in a house and Mary took expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus’ feet. She wiped His feet with her hair. Mary was not singing. But she was worshipping. BIG TIME!!
Worshipping in its simplest form is giving attention to something. Mary was bringing attention and affection to Jesus. And she did not respond out of an obligation or duty. She did so out of a love and gratefulness to Him.
Application. Mary worshipped Jesus by anointing His feet out of love and affection for Him. Her worship was costly. And it brought attention to Jesus.
Your worship is MORE THAN what you sing. It is you bringing attention and focus and affection to Jesus. Stop and take some time to express worship to God right now. Simply express that love and affection to Jesus.
Prayer: Jesus, help me to learn to worship You like Mary did. Let me give you my heart’s attention and affection.