Simple Prayer
“Good morning, God. I love you. Thank you for being so awesome. There is no one like you, and it is not even close.”
Spend some time in God’s Word, the Bible.
God has created you and he loves you like crazy. But we know that we have sinned. We have messed up. Right? I know I have messed up in some big ways.
Imagine a crime is committed against you or someone close to you. You go to court and the accused is found guilty, but then the judge says, “Oh well, you can go free. No jail or fines for you.” You would be crazy mad. That is not justice.
Well, when it comes to our sin, there must be justice. And God is a just God. But he is also forgiving.
Read Colossians 3:13-14. You are FORGOVEN completely. But it came at a cost. Jesus paid the penalty for your sin and mine by dying on the cross. He fulfilled the justice of God. So we have our sin paid for by Jesus’ death so that we could know God’s forgiveness.
Chris Veach said, “Your sin is not bigger than my God.” God forgives, but you must confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead to receive that forgiveness.
Prayer. Thank God for sending his son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for your sins. Thank Him for forgiving you of ALL your sins, even the ones you have not committed yet.