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Identity, Belonging, Purpose

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Week Two – Day Four – 24 Days of Christmas

Scripture: Luke 11:1-13.  J.B. page 1581. Observation.  The disciples struggled to pray too!  They asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.  Look at the Lord’s prayer in verses 2-4. “Father hallowed be thy name.”  This is simply praising/honoring God for who He is.  Our Father.  He rules.  He is mighty. “Your kingdom come.”  Praying for God to move in our world. Work in the hearts of my friends.  Stand against the Evil One. “Give us this day our daily bread.”  Ask God to meet your needs.  God cares...

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Week Two – Day Three – 24 Days of Christmas

Day Three Scripture: Luke 10:25-37.  J.B. page 1580. Observation.  What are the two commandments given in verse 27?  How can you obey the first one? For the second one, Jesus tells a parable, a story with a point.  From the story, who is the one who loves like a neighbor? Application.  Who do you think you would be in the story? Think of those who are hardest to love in your life.  Write them down: ______________________________________________________ Write down a few practical ways you can show...

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Week Two – Day Two – 24 Days of Christmas

Scripture: Luke 9:18-22.  J.B. page 1578. When you have the opportunity today, read the sidebar entitled, “JESUS’ SECRET.”  It gives insight to the verses we are reading today. Observation.  Jesus had sent the twelve disciples out to nearby towns and villages to share the good news of Jesus.  They had returned and then the 5000 were fed with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Afterwards, Jesus and the twelve disciples were alone.  Jesus asked them, “Who do the crowds say that I am?”  They...

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Week Two – Day One – 24 Days of Christmas

Verse to Remember:  But to all who did receive him (Jesus), who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”  John 1:12 Scripture.  Choose the passage.  (If using the Jesus Bible, page number given.  Or use or Biblehub app). Observation.  What does the passage say?  What is difficult to understand?  What does it say to me? Application.  How do I apply these verses?  Is there something to give God thanks for?  Is there is a sin to avoid? Prayer.  Simply end...

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Week One – Day Four – 24 Days of Christmas

Day Four Scripture: Luke 4:31-37.  J.B. page 1568.  Observation.  Jesus lived his first 30 years of life doing carpentry work with his dad.  Not much is said about Jesus’ younger years outside of Luke 2:52. But then He is baptized by John (see Day Three), He is tempted by the devil after fasting in the desert for 40 days.  Then he begins His public ministry. He goes down to a city and was teaching on the Sabbath, the day of rest in the Bible (Saturday, back then).  He heals a demon-possessed man.  ...

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Week One – Day Three – 24 Days of Christmas

Day Three Scripture: Luke 3:15-21.  J.B. page 1565. When you get an opportunity read the shaded page, 1567, entitled “One More Powerful.”  Again, this is not God’s Word, but wisdom and insight from one of the authors of this Bible. Observation.  John the Baptizer, was the baby promised to Elizabeth and Zechariah in Luke chapter 1.  It is not the same John who wrote the Gospel of John.  This John came to “prepare the way” for Jesus.  John once said “one that is mightier than me” is coming. Application. ...

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Week One – Day Two – 24 Days of Christmas

Day Two Scripture: LUKE 2:1-21.  J.B. page 1563.\ Observation.  What is the greatest news you have ever received?  Was it news about your family?  Was it your dad getting a new job?  Was it a family member that was ok after a car wreck or hospital stay?  When I think about the Christmas story I think about this very first Christmas night!  The angel declares this great news to shepherds, sort of the low class peeps of their day. “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will...

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Week One – Day One – 24 Days of Christmas

Week One – 24 Days of Christmas Verse to Remember:  But to all who did receive him (Jesus), who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”  John 1:12 Scripture.  Choose the passage.  (If using the Jesus Bible, page number given.  Or use or Biblehub app). Observation.  What does the passage say?  What is difficult tounderstand?  What does it say to me? Application.  How do I apply these verses?  Is there somethingto give God thanks for?  Is there is a sin...

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Week Eleven Day Four

Day Four Scripture: John 15:18-27.  J.B. page 1633.  Observation.  It is difficult to believe that Christians are hated and mistreated and killed for believing in Jesus.  In the U.S., Christians may be hated, discriminated against, or verbally abused by some.  But this is not real persecution. But persecution happens all around the world.   On December 24, 2017, eight young believers were headed toward the Pakistan-Afghan border.  Their van had a flat and they began to distribute leaflets and...

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Week Eleven Day Three

Day Three Scripture: John 15:12-17.  J.B. page 1633. Observation.  Jesus commands us to abide in His love and immediately commands us to love one another as He loved us. One of the fruits of abiding in Jesus is love for your brothers and sisters in Christ. And you are also known as a friend of Jesus. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.  You are my friends if you do what I command” (verses 13-14). Application.  God commands to love.  How do you do...

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