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Identity, Belonging, Purpose

Week Two – Day Three – 24 Days of Christmas

Day Three

Scripture: Luke 10:25-37.  J.B. page 1580.

Observation.  What are the two commandments given in verse 27?  How can you obey the first one?

For the second one, Jesus tells a parable, a story with a point.  From the story, who is the one who loves like a neighbor?

Application.  Who do you think you would be in the story?

Think of those who are hardest to love in your life.  Write them down: ______________________________________________________

Write down a few practical ways you can show love to these that are hard to love. ________________________________________


Now for the hard part.  Put one or two of these ways in practice TODAY.  Love is more than an emotion, it is a decision.  Ask God to help you pray for those individuals A LOT!  Then look for little ways that you can serve them.

At Christmas remember Jesus set aside all rights to become an infant.  He emptied and humbled himself more than anyone has by leaving Heaven and coming down as human.

Loving those who are hard to love requires us to empty ourselves and set aside pride, and all kinds of hard feelings.  But that is exactly what Jesus did for us!

Prayer:  God, help me to love You with everything I have.  And please give me the courage to show love to these that I have a really hard time loving.