The Story of God – Week Four Day One
Verse to Remember: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
Scripture. Choose the passage. (If using the Jesus Bible, page number given. Or use Biblegateway.com or Biblehub app).
Observation. What does the passage say? What is difficult to understand? What does it say to me?
Application. How do I apply these verses? Is there somethingto give God thanks for? Is there is a sin to avoid?
Prayer. Simply end your time with God talking with Him.
Day One
Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-14. Jesus Bible pg. 1772.
Observation: This week we celebrate Valentine’s Day. Some love it, some of you want to vomit a little in your mouth. Hahahaha. That’s ok. Regardless, we all want to be loved and cherished by others.
If you haven’t already, read the Scripture for today. Look at verse 4. This is written to those who have chosen to believe in Jesus. You are chosen. And God chose you before the creation of the world. Wow! Before you were born you were chosen. He chose you and loved you and predestined you to be adopted as His child.
You are chosen! I do not know about you, but when I was on the elementary playground at recess, I was the last or close to last one picked for the team. It didn’t matter if it was football or soccer or basket weaving, I celebrated inside every time someone beside me was last!
But not so with God! He chose me before the creation of the world. And if you have put your faith in Christ, the same is true about you.
Application: When I was chosen, I was adopted by God. And that completely changes my identity! I am a child of the King of Kings. Look at what that means for you and me in verses 7 through 14. I have been bought by Jesus’ payment on the cross. I am forgiven for ALL my sins. His grace has been poured out on me. I have received a HUGE inheritance and hope. My salvation is guaranteed becaue the Holy Spirit lives in me. I know these are lots of churchy sounding things and you may not fully understand. I know I don’t.
But I do understand this, on the Mound Elementary playground, when I was chosen, I celebrated. But it is so much bigger now! I have God’s approval. God loves me like crazy and my future is safe with Him, no matter what. This gives make my soul smile on the inside, God defines me. He is for me. I am fully accepted by God so I want to follow God with a crazy abandon!
Prayer. God, thank you for choosing and adopting me before the creation of the world. Help that truth to sink deep, deep into my heart and brain. I love You! I want to follow after You with all my heart.