The Reason
Simple Prayer
“Good morning, God. Help me to love you more today. As I read my Bible this morning, help me understand because it is big and I am just trying to get started. Please make it clear to me. I love you.”
Spend some time in God’s Word, the Bible.
In the Netflix Series, “13 Reasons Why,” it gives reasons why someone might lose all hope. I am not recommending anyone watch it. But the label we see today is THE REASON WHY NOT!
Read John 3:16-17. This is the big book of John, one of the first 4 books of the New Testament. “For God so ____________ the world (that’s you!) that he gave his one and only Son that whoever (includes you!) believes in Him (Jesus) shall not perish (die spiritually without God) but have eternal ___________.”
You are perfectly LOVED by God. He created you and He LOVES you like crazy. Remember how we have talked about God’s love is so big for you that He has your picture on his refrigerator! Hahaha. Ok, so he probably doesn’t have a frig, but he LOVES you so much that He proved it by sending his son to die for you. That is all the proof we need.
God’s love will never give up on you. It will never walk out the door on you. It will never be weak. God’s love will pursue you, hold you, comfort you, and give you strength. God’s love for you is perfect and unlimited.
Brennan Manning, a favorite author of mine, said this, My deepest awareness of myself is that I am deeply loved by Jesus Christ and I have done nothing to earn it or deserve it.”
Take a moment to read that a couple more times.
Prayer. Make this prayer your own. “God, thank you for loving me. Thank you that your love did not give up on me even when I _____________.
Help me to always know and believe that your love for me is strong and real. I love you.”