Simple Prayer
(Remember Prayer is you having a conversation with God. No religious-sounding words needed).
“Good Morning God, I love you. I want to be all yours today. Teach me more about you.”
Spend some time in God’s Word, the Bible
(Use the index to your Bible to help you find where you need to go.
Labels! Everyone seems to get labeled in school. In my day, there were Band Nerds, Debaters, Jocks, Druggies and others. Today, some labels have changed. Quickly list in your mind the labels students have at your school. Do you fall into one of those categories?
I don’t know about you, but I let labels stick and define me. And they were not labels I wanted. This week we will look at some labels that God has given you and me…don’t worry, they are labels you will want to keep!
Find and read Colossians 1:15-16. For those who went to Passion Camp, the verses this week will be a look back on what we read and learned there.
“The Son is the image of the ___________ God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him (Jesus) ________ things were created: things in heaven and on earth, ____________ and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; _________things have been created through him and for him (Jesus).”
You and I are included in “all.” So it means simply what it says. God created you through his son, Jesus. In the gospel of John chapter 1, verse 3, the Bible says, Everything (including you and me) that has been made was made through Him (Jesus).
So the label God has for you today is CREATED. You were created by God. He formed you and knew you before you were even born.
Prayer Make this prayer your own. Here is something you say, “God, thank you for making me and knowing my name. That is so cool. Some people in my classes don’t even know my name but you know me. You created me. Help that to sink into my heart and mind today. And God, can you please help me with _____________________________. Thank you. I love you.”