Week Seven Day Three
Day Three
Scripture: John 10:22-30. J.B. page 1626.
Observation. The other day when I went into Publix I ran into Clark Kent, you know Superman. He had a big S on his chest, a red cape and he was flying around the store from aisle to aisle buying Oreos and Dr. Pepper. I have video evidence of him stopping a bus before it crashed into the store. Pretty cool, right?
Yeah right! What a joke! But if you or I had actually seen that, we might really believe it.
Jesus, when He showed up on earth, He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, taught like no one else had ever taught, displayed grace to all and claimed to be God’s Son. And the people witnessed it happen right in front of their eyes. And yet the religious leaders kept asking him, “If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.”
He stated, “I and the Father are one.” Jesus’ actions backed up who He claimed to be.
Application. Jesus really is God. He proved it. It is not a fairy tale. He was not a madman. He was not just a good person. Jesus is God. When Jesus asked his follower, Peter, who he beleived Jesus was, Peter exclaimed, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Peter knew Jesus. And he believed.
Today, put your trust in Jesus. He is God. And know that you can trust Him with the decisions you need to make with your life. You can trust Him with all the details, all the concerns, all the questions, all the problems. He is completely faithful.
Prayer: Jesus, You are God. You proved it. Today, I confess that you are my God. You alone can save me. Help me to trust You today with whatever comes my way. Thank you for always being faithful.