The Story of God – Week Two – Day Four
Day Four
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:1-6. J.B. page 1755.
Observation. Truth matters. Obedience matters. Paul is writing to the Corinth church. He prays that he will not have to get-in-their face about their disobedience to God. He desires the Holy Spirit, who lives in every believer, to guide their steps.
Paul warns of the war that is waged in our flesh and against the knowledge of God. Lies build strongholds in our lives.
Application. We have camped out all week on the extreme importance of spending time in God’s Word all week. Truth matters.
The world DOES NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. TIC-TOC does not have your best interest at heart. Television, music, news, and even a lot of people do not have your best interest at heart. And we know the Devil’s motive is to completely destroy you and your world.
That is real. The battle is taking place NOW. It is all around us. I hope that causes you to stop and look at what you input into your brain and heart. WE have to fight for what we are going to let into our brain. It is not innocent. It is deadly. Our thoughts and lives are literally at stake. Begin to replace with truth, God’s Word.
“For our weapons of warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.
IT IS TIME TO GO TO WAR. Replace the input in your life with God’s Word. Don’t idly let the world program your heart and mind.
Prayer. God, help me not to be naïve to the battle. I don’t want to be taken down by the enemy. Help me to learn Your truths.