Week One – Welcome to the Story of God
Verse to Remember: “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things were created through him and for him.” Colossians 1:16
Scripture. Choose the passage. (If using the Jesus Bible, page number given. Or use Biblegateway.com or Biblehub app).
Observation. What does the passage say? What is difficult tounderstand? What does it say to me?
Application. How do I apply these verses? Is there somethingto give God thanks for? Is there is a sin to avoid?
Prayer. Simply end your time with God talking with Him.
Day One
Scripture: Psalm 19:1-6. Jesus Bible pg. 777.
Observation: This last week leading up to Saturday’s epic Jags win, Jags merchandise and tickets were everywhere. Even if you are not a football fan, you knew something big was happening. And after the big comeback win, you can sense the same. Something special had taken place. It was everywhere.
In creation, the same is true. Every truth in the universe shouts of its creator. You can’t miss it. It is written all over our world.
Colossians 1:16-16 tell us about Jesus, “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Do you keep seeing a certain two words? “All things.” What does that leave out? Nadda, nothing, zero, zilch. Jesus created all things. Everything was created by him. The trees, the mountains, the star, endless space, the tiniest micro-organism, your neighbor, your teacher, the President, the evil dictator, your mom! ALL THINGS!
Application: Welcome to the story of God. We are part of God’s story. He has been around since before the beginning of time. He exists outside of time. He knows everything and He put everything together. And He still knows your name.
The heavens declare how awesome and mighty and glorious God is day after day, moment after moment. The point to Him.
Today, take a few minutes and find a favorite worship song and let it rip. Get away in your closet or in your shower or in the car and sing a song of worship to God. GO BIG! You may not feel like it at first, but do it anyway.
Prayer. God, today, let me point to You, Jesus. If “the heavens declare the glory of the God,” I want in on the action too. I want to declare Your glory. Let everything about me be about You.