Week Three – Day One – 24 Days of Christmas
Verse to Remember: “For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37
Scripture. Choose the passage. (If using the Jesus Bible, page number given. Or use Biblegateway.com or Biblehub app).
Observation. What does the passage say? What is difficult to understand? What does it say to me?
Application. How do I apply these verses? Is there something to give God thanks for? Is there is a sin to avoid?
Prayer. Simply end your time with God talking with Him.
Day One
Scripture: Luke 12:13-21. Jesus Bible pg. 1584.
Observation: One man approached Jesus with a family problem of dividing his inheritance with his brother. Jesus would not have nothing to do with it. He refused to get involved probably because He knew it would not solve the real problem: coveting. What is coveting? It is an unquenchable desire for more of something in order to be really satisfied.
Jesus told a parable to reveal the dangers of a coveting heart. The farmer had more wealth than he needed. He fell into a peril (danger) of prosperity. He saw his wealth as a chance to please himself and instead of honoring God. He built more to hold his wealth with no thought of God or helping others. After he built for his extra wealth, he died.
Application: Money is not evil. The love of money is evil. Saving is not evil. But when your motive is only yourself and trusting yourself, you risk choking out God’s Word and your dependence on Him.
God wants to be Lord/King of our hearts. If we treasure money or stuff more than God, it becomes an idol in our lives. We begin to seek money and stuff more than God.
Christmas is definitely a time for receiving. I love to open presents on Christmas morning just like you do. The anticipation and excitement are so much fun.
But let us remember Christmas is a time for giving. Give presents to others. And whether you have money or not, you can find ways to serve others, to write a note of encouragement, or something completely different. The opportunities will come if you seek them out.
Do not use your wealth, or Christmas presents, as an opportunity to just please yourself. Look for ways to honor God and others. Go for it! Give something today! Jesus did!
Prayer. God, thank You for giving. You are the best giver ever. Thank You for Your son, Jesus.