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Identity, Belonging, Purpose

Week Eleven Day Two

Day Two

Scripture: John 15:1-11.  J.B. page 1633.

 Observation.  Back to the vine and branches.  Did you see that Jesus said He was the true vine?  There are times we, as branches, want to connect our lives to other things.  We consider popularity, success, a certain boy or girl, a job, entrance to a certain college, or _____________ more important than following Jesus.  We may not say that out loud, but our lives say it by our actions and attitudes.  We allow those things to become a vine we attach ourselves to.

Now, reread verse 5, “apart from me you can do nothing.”  Jesus tells us like it is.  You will not accomplish anything outside of Him.  You can do nothing.  No breath in your lungs, no heart pumping blood, no throwing the ball, no passing the test, NOTHING.  ZERO.  ZILCH.  NADA.

Application:  Jesus is the true vine.  Attach your life to His, every moment of every day.  When you go Lone Ranger and try to do your life on your own you will fail.  Abide with Him.  Let His extravagant love wash over You daily.  Know His full-on acceptance of Him.  He loves You and does not condemn You.  There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

In Psalm 63, the author writes to God, “Your love is better than life.”

Prayer.  God help me to abide with You.  Let my heart feel as the Psalmist writes, “Your love is better than life.”  I want to stay so close to You.