Week Ten Day Four
Scripture: John 14:25-31. J.B. page 1632.
Observation. Jesus continues to give the disciples reassurance. The Holy Spirit will come! (And that event is recorded in Acts 2). He tells them not to be afraid nor troubled.
A few hours later, Jesus would be arrested late at night/early in the morning by soldiers with Judas, their friend, leading the way. The disciples would mostly scatter and then gather in the upper room. The leader they had followed would be openly mocked, beaten, tried, beaten more, stripped of His clothes and forced to drag His own cross to His execution.
The disciples NEEDED to hear Jesus’ words.
Application. We face extremely tough circumstances. The world is not a friendly place. We need to hear Jesus’ words. We need to know that Jesus has left the Holy Spirit to help us and give us courage.
We need to remember “communion with God ignites our courage for God.” So spend time with God, just as you are doing. Don’t hurry! Let Jesus’ words give you courage.
Prayer. God, help me not to hurry, but to linger in Your presence so that I may hear Your voice and know that the Holy Spirit is with me. Help me to pause my life for a while to hear from you. I just want to rest in You.