Week 2 Day 4
Day Four
Scripture: John 4:5-15. J.B. page 1615.
Observation. Jesus and the disciples hit the road and they walk through a region known as Samaria. Samaria and Israel had a bitter history. They despised each other so much that Israelites would usually walk around Samaria and not go through it.
Jesus meets a woman there getting water in the middle of the day. This woman had lived a life she was ashamed of and she was still searching for what would make her satisfied. What does Jesus ask her at first? Write down what he tells her in verses 9 &10.
If time allows today, read the rest of the story, John 4:16-42. She was so consumed with finding love that she and married 5 times and was now living with a different boyfriend. She was thirsty for something more than the water at the well.
And without meeting her before that day, Jesus told her all about herself. And He tells her that He is the promised one of God, the Messiah. He is the Christ. She then leaves and tells her whole town about Him and many of them put their trust in Jesus.
Application. Jesus was telling the woman He could meet all her needs and desires she has. Only Jesus could satisfy her soul. If she would put her trust in Him, she would find the love and acceptance she craved the most. No matter what your background, God loves you like crazy and has a purpose for you, just like the woman at the well. Notice Jesus did not ask this woman to clean up her life before He would satisfy her thirst. He loves and invites her to life changing belief. God accepts you just the way you are. Believe in Him then He will begin to work in your life.
Prayer. Tell God what you desire the most. Love, acceptance, forgiveness, ???? Be honest. Ask God to show you how only He can satisfy your deepest desires and wants. What concerns do you have weighing your heart down today? Share them with God. Trust Him.
Rock this day at school, at practice, at home! Shine bright. Be strong and courageous because Jesus lives in You!!!