Scripture. Choose the passage. Have a plan, don’t make it a random passage in the Bible.
Observation. What does the passage say? What is difficult to understand? What does it say to me?
Application. How do I apply these verses? Is there something to give God thanks for? Is there is a sin to avoid?
Prayer. Simply end your time with God talking with Him.
Scripture. Joshua 24:15. Look it up in your Bible, on a Bible app or on or
Cold Stone Ice Cream. Outside of our neighbors at About Time Ice Cream, Cold Stone is the best. When we splurge and go there, I always have one choice…Sweet Cream or Chocolate Devotion. I can never decide. It is never easy.
Observation. Think about what the verse says. What instruction does it give? If you have a journal or notebook, write down some thoughts.
Joshua took the leadership mantle from Moses and led God’s people into the Promised Land, Israel. Remember, Jericho and the walls that came tumbling down. Yeah, that was Joshua. At the end of the book of Joshua, God’s people had conquered much of what would become Israel. Joshua reminds them of God’s faithfulness in the journey from Abraham to Joseph to Moses and now. And then Joshua says, now, you choose. Who are you going to serve? God who has been faithful to you or to the gods that others around you serve.
We have that same choice today. Choose to serve the God who has been, who is, and who will always be faithful, or the little “g” gods that our neighbors and classmates and coworkers serve. You choose.
Application. What is holds you back from choosing God? What are the challenges and temptations for you? Friends? Boyfriend or Girlfriend? Secret Sin? God loves you like crazy and is after your whole heart.
S Is there a sin for me to confess?
- is there a promise for me to claim?
- Is there an attitude for me to change?
- Is there a command for me to obey?
- Is there an example for me to follow?
What do you need to trust God for today? Prayer. Take a few moments to really talk to God. Use CHAT to help you guide your prayer time. But most of all, be real with God. Talk to Him.
True confession is agreeing with God about your sin. It includes repentance, doing a 180 from your sin. Repentance is not just being sorry for being caught, but sorry for breaking the heart of God. Examine your heart. Admit your faults. Be teachable.
Honor. Honor God by praising Him for who He is. You can do this by reading verse of praise or singing a song to God.
Ask. Ask God for your needs. Praying for your own needs, both daily and crisis needs. Also, pray for the needs of others. Be specific!
Thank. Express gratitude for God has done! Write it down so you can remember how God has answered your prayers!
Pray. Remember, just talk to God. Look at the ingredients above. Not every prayer has to include all the ingredients. Just remember, be honest. Don’t try to sound religious or churchy. Just be real as you talk to God.