SOAP – Practice Night
Hey Guys,
We are starting an important journey tonight. I want to invite you to jump all in to getting to know God. SOAP is just a tool, simplified to help you spend time with God reading your Bible and talking to Him in prayer. Here is the acronym again.
Scripture. Choose the passage. Have a plan, don’t make it a random passage in the Bible.
Observation. What does the passage say? What is difficult to understand? What does it say to me?
Application. How do I apply these verses? Is there something to give God thanks for? Is there is a sin to avoid?
Prayer. Simply end your time with God talking with Him.
So this evening I invite you to give it a try.
Grab you Bible and some alone space away from all distractions (yes, even your phone for a few moments.)
Scripture: James 1:22-25 (Use the table of contents page and find James in the New Testament.)
James is actually the brother of Jesus. Yes, he had a brother. Imagine growing up with Jesus. Talk about the oldest child being the perfect child! Hahaha, he literally was! At first, Jesus’ family did not believe Jesus was who He claimed to be. But later, James became not only a believer, but a strong follower who would give his life for faith in Jesus. But before he does that, he writes this short little book in the New Testament…James. And he always is 100% truthful and in your face with that truth.
Ever looked in the mirror, walked away, and then forgot what you looked like? This is what James is writing about today.
Now grab the SOAP card if you have it close by, or just look the outline above. Walk through the questions after you read the verses a couple of times. Be still and listen. Ask God to speak to you.
Observation: What is the first thing James tells us to do? If you do not obey God’s Word, what does James say you are doing? If you don’t obey, what does the Bible compare that? Why do you think it is so important to actually DO what God says? What does God’s Word do for us?
Application: Is there something specific in these verses that God is trying to tell you? It is usually easy to think of someone who says one thing and does another. Our respect for that person is usually not too high. How do you think it affects your life when you hear or read God’s Word but do not do what it says? How can another follower of Jesus help you obey God’s Word?
Prayer: Is there something you want to tell God, in light of what you have just read? Before you walk away, talk to God about what’s on your heart. Tell Him all of your concerns, worries, joys…anything you want!